SBUDNIC (SATCAT 52774) is a 3U cubesat that incorporated a coating-based thermal control system, a non-rechargeable primary cell array based on commercially-available lithium AA batteries, a rad-hardened Arduino Nano, two cameras, a ham radio transceiver, and a novel aerodynamic drag sail used for accelerated passive deorbit.

SBUDNIC was launched to a 517 kilometer polar orbit on 25 May 2022 aboard Transporter-5 from Cape Canaveral's SLC40. It successfully deorbited on 8 August 2023 somewhere over Türkiye. 

I led the program as Chief Engineer. I also:

  1. Designed, prototyped, and engineered the custom modular chassis.
  2. Designed, prototyped, and engineered the deployable aerodynamic drag system.
  3. Developed high level system architecture.
  4. Staffed and managed all subsystem engineering teams.
  5. Designed and developed in-budget alternative test methods, including random vibe and thermal shock and vacuum, for in-process validation of all subsystems.
  6. Worked with CNR, D-Orbit, and SpaceX to meet mission engineering standards and regulatory mandates.

As Chief Engineer, I was the last human to ever touch SBUDNIC during final preflight integration at the SpaceX vehicle integration and assembly building at Cape Canaveral SLC40. 

SBUDNIC and the work of the development team have been widely recognized and/or awarded including by NASA, Gizmodo, PBS,  and Popular Science.

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