i wear a lot of oversized hats.

My wife sometimes cuts my hair and always uses the occasion to remind me that my head is both block-shaped and alarmingly big. I don’t tip her.

I am an industrial designer, biomedical engineer, and design strategist. When I'm making something new, I try to:

  1. Locate the hidden potential in people and things by mapping and linking all relevant nodes and heuristics.

  2. Spread enlightenment via collaborative involvement to build consensus and factual acceptance.

  3. Build things that improve the human condition and expand human capacity for self actualization. These things look like tools.

The stuff I've built looks like low-cost emergency ventilators, neonatal incubators, telemedicine services, headphones, railway inspection drones, visual communication strategies, and interactive art. Sometimes it looks like something else entirely.

To discuss life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom email me at marco {dot} c {dot} cross {at} gmail {dot} com. To really make me happy, send me a cat GIF too.